Every week go to so fast….Finally, I already finish to learn about the Human Resources (HR) Management and Payroll Process. As I know, when I learn the subject, I get a lot of information about the payroll such as:
- I know the definition and basic functions of the HR management and payroll processes
- Can recognize the relationship between the HR management and payroll processes and their environment
- Understand the logical and physical characteristics of the HR management and payroll processes and other.
I very excited to learn this topic because I also learn about this during my practical at Kluang in Company Liebherr’s. As I know, payroll is the transactional process through which compensation is transferred to employees and federal, state and local income and payroll taxes are withheld from employees’ checks. Many companies often merge payroll in HR. Majority of organizations, payroll is a function administered by finance or accounting rather than the HR department. At the class, I always related the subject with my environment especially during practical time. This is because, during me practical, I learn how to key in the data about payroll to the system. I use EPE system. What I learn about the payroll process is generally automated because computers are much faster at handling the repetitive computations necessary (payroll is also the most frequently outsourced application in accounting. It also, the data entered into the payroll system from inside the organization include compensation data, benefits data, and deductions data.
In other word, payroll is a part of HR module. For me, payroll is the most heavily outsourced HRM function. Refer to the website Wikipedia; the payroll module automates the pay process by gathering data on employee time and attendance, calculating various deductions and taxes, and generating periodic pay cheques and employee tax reports. However, the payroll usually has the responsibility for keeping track of income and payroll tax rates and applicable salary levels. For example, tax rates data is a contains current tax rates (federal, state, county and city) for employee withholding and employer accruals, attendance time record have a lists hours employee are at the job site available for work; usually kept on time card and the last one is job time records. This is a start and stop times for particular jobs for direct labor distribution.
Besides that, I already learn about payroll journal. The payroll journal contains detailed, selected payroll data for several employees, for whom payroll has been run in a particular time interval or a selected payroll period. So the conclusion about the topic, I very happy learn this topic and hope can explore more about payroll which part I don’t know and I don’t understand.
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